Conditionals and loops
In Python we can use the if statement as follows:
if a>b: print(a)
In contrast to other programming languages Python does not use {} to declare the opening or the closing of an if statement. Python uses indentation (tab key or four spaces). Python’s indentation is a way to tell Python interpreter that a group of statements belong to a block of code. In the previous example the variable a will be printed if a is greater than b.
In the next piece of code the lines 2 and 3 will be executed if a is greater than b and the lines 5 and 6 will be executed if a is not greater than b. Indentation in Python matters!
if (a>b): print(a) print ("Hello") else: print("b") print("Goodbye")
We can always examine more than 2 logical conditions with the use of elif (stands for else if ).
if (a>b): print(a) elif (b>a): print(b) else: print("Equals")
Python will create automatically an indent if we end the previous block of code with a colon “:”
A colon is used in conditionals (if statements) as well as in loops (while, for, etc) to declare which lines of code belong to a specific logical expression.
We can also combine logical expressions using the and or the or operator to create more interesting statements. In the following example line 2 will be executed if both of the expressions (age>4 and age <=10) are true.
if age > 4 and age <= 10: print('Best age to learn programming')
An if statement is useful if we need to check a logical statement once. If we want to keep executing a set of code bocks until a specific logical expression comes true, we have to use a loop.
The most common loop statement is the while. In the following example, the while statement will be true as long as the variable a is less than 10.
a=1 while (a<10): print(a) a = a+1
For loop
for i in range(10): name = input('What is your name?') if name == 'John': print('Hello John')